June 16, 2011

Kristyn | Joliet Teen Fashion Photographer

This is just one of those shoots that comes together before your eyes. Everything was super casual and chill. We decided on this last minute shoot in Joliet because I was in dire need to break in my lens I was renting - the 85L! Drooool. You can just see that this lens is ridiculous in the best way possible.

I also was really in the mood to try out this new location in Joliet. Initially we were going to just hang out at the prison - yeah, that's right I said prison. Totally abandoned by the way! Same prison where they filmed Prison Break! <3 While we were at it, I figured why not visit an abandoned drive-in too? You know, all the cool kids hang out in abandoned places ;) The fields that were there were stunning beyond belief and we totally had our hippie/chilled out vibe with us at that point!

Is Kristyn not the best? She's so fantastic and I have an absolute blast working with her every time! What a fashionista she is! Check out her blog: http://escapingthewindow.blogspot.com/

A little soundtrack too!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the song choice. It sets the absolute perfect mood.
